

Organisers, speakers, sponsors and volunteers who contribute to WordCamp Lausanne agree to respect the present agreement, developed by WordCamp Central, the main entity which ensure that this community event happens as best as possible for all. Please also read the Code of Conduct.

  1. I agree that WordCamps are meant to benefit the local WordPress community through live events and the broader WordPress community through the sharing of online video and other materials.
  2. I agree that a WordCamp is a casual, locally- and volunteer-organized event, focused on WordPress and reflecting the local WordPress community it represents.
  3. I understand that WordCamp organizers, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers are expected to support the WordPress project and its principles.
  4. I understand that the principles of the WordPress project include:
    • no discrimination on the basis of economic or social status, race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, or disability
    • no incitement to violence or promotion of hate
    • no spammers
    • no jerks
    • respect the WordPress trademark
    • embrace the WordPress license; If distributing WordPress-derivative works (themes, plugins, WP distros), any person or business officially associated with WordCamp should give their users the same freedoms that WordPress itself provides: 100% GPL or compatible, the same guidelines we follow on
    • don’t promote companies or people that violate the trademark or distribute WordPress derivative works which aren’t 100% GPL compatible
  5. I agree that WordCamps are not-for-profit events, organized with budget and funding transparency.
  6. I agree that WordCamps should be accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of financial status.
  7. I agree that I am not an employee of the WordPress Foundation or any subsidiary of the Foundation, and am participating in WordCamp exclusively as a volunteer.

If you have any hesitation or question about the GPL, please contact us.

In short, the agreement states that if you publicly distribute WordPress plugins or themes (for free or for sale), their PHP code has to be released under the GPL.